Episode 1
Tha Abigail a’ dèanamh Fleasg Nollaig le Pavlova. Abigail makes an inspired Christmas pavlova wreath.
Tha Pavlova math aig à m sam bith den bhliadhna, ach aig à m na Nollaig, tha e a’ còrdadh ri Abigail a bhith a’ dèanamh Pavlova ann an cruth Fleasg Nollaig, mar a chrochadh tu air doras. Reasabaidh furasta agus luath a tha a’ coimhead à lainn air a’ bhòrd aig an à m seo dhen bhliadhna. Le pailteas bà rr is dearcan a’ toirt sgeadachadh sgoinneil air, ‘s e fìor trèat Nollaig a bhios ann!
Pavlova can be made and enjoyed at any time of the year but at Christmas, Abigail enjoys making a special one in the style of a Christmas wreath, like you would hang on your door. It's an easy and quick recipe that looks fantastic served at this time of year. Lashings of cream and plenty of berries make for a stunning look, and a tasty Christmas treat!
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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