Episode 6
Tha Abigail a’ toirt dhuinn grèim-bìdh blasta airson pà rtaidh, Poitean Adaig. Abigail shares an idea for a tasty festive party snack, haddock pots.
’S e cà irdean is caraidean a th’ aig cridhe chùisean aig à m na Nollaig. Tha an grèim-bìdh blasta seo math aig pà rtaidh – Poitean Adaig, agus tha fios gun còrd iad ris a h-uile duine.
Family and friends are at the forefront during the festive season. This tasty party snack, haddock pots, will be a sure-fire winner among your table top spread.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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600g adag smocte, gun chraicinn agus gun chnà imhean
1x 300ml bà rr dùbailte
3 spà inntean-mòra feuran air a ghearradh
6 spà inntean-mòra cà ise Parmesan air a bhleith
piobar dubh
aran sòda
Ro-theasaich an à mhainn gu 200C, fan 180C.
Geà rr an adag na ghreimeagan, an uair sin roinn an t-iasg eadar 8 soithichean beaga a tha freagarrach airson na h-à mhainne. Seà san le piobar dubh agus cuir timcheall air dà spà inn-mhòr bà rr dùbailte anns gach soitheach. Cuir crathadh dhen fheuran agus an cà ise air muin gach soitheach.
Cuir air trèidhe bèiceireachd agus cuir dhan à mhainn airson timcheall air 10-12 mionaidean gus a bheil an sabhs goileach, agus tha dath òir a’ tighinn orra.
Gabh le aran sòda.
600g skinless and boneless smoked haddock fillet
1 x 300ml carton double cream
3 tbsp snipped chives
6 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
Black pepper
Soda bread to serve
Pre-heat the oven to 200C, fan 180C.
Cut the haddock into bite-sized pieces, then divide the fish between 8 small ovenproof dishes. Season with freshly ground pepper and spoon about 2 tablespoons of double cream into each dish. Scatter with chives, then pile the cheese on top of each dish.
Place on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 10 – 12 minutes until the sauce is bubbling and the tops are golden.
Serve with soda bread.