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Episode 12

Episode 12 of 12

Tha Abigail a’ dèanamh Cèic Steigeach Fìogais, fìor annas. Abigail makes a sticky figgy cake, a real showstopper.

Tha Abigail a’ dèanamh Cèic Steigeach Fìogais, fìor annas a bu chòir a bhith am meadhan bòrd na Nollaig. Bidh do chàirdean ’s do charaidean air an dòigh leis a’ mhilsean Nollaig seo, no fiù ’s ga ghabhail le cupan math cofaidh.

Abigail makes a sticky figgy cake, a real showstopper and centrepiece for any Christmas table. Your family and friends will be very happy with this as a festive dessert, or just on a plate with a nice coffee.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

Release date:

5 minutes

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Airson a’ chèic
150g fìogaisean tioram
300g deitichean
150g fìogaisean ùra
900ml bùrn
350g siùcar soilleir donn
225g ìm gun shalainn
4 uighean mòra
2 spàinn-bheag sòda bèiceireachd
300g flùr-èirigh
2 spàinn-bheag sùgh faoineig

Airson an sgeadachadh càise bhog
360g càise bog
200g siùcar pùdair
12 fìogaisean ùra, air an gearradh nan dà leth
Rùsg 1 orainsear

Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 180C
Suath ìm timcheall tiona cèice springform, 12 òirleach

Cuir na deitichean, na fìogaisean tioram agus am bùrn ann am pana agus thoir chun a’ ghoil air teas meadhanach àrd. Cuir sìos an teas agus slaop airson 30 mionaidean. Thoir am pana far an teas agus leig leis fuarachadh airson 10 mionaidean. Bleith ann an inneal-bleithidh agus fàg gu aon taobh.

Measgaich an t-ìm agus an siùcar còmhla a’ cleachdadh measgadair-dealain. Cuir aon ugh ma seach a-steach, gam bualadh gu math eadar gach ugh, agus an uair sin an sùgh faoineig. Paisg a-steach an sòda bèiceireachd agus am flùr, agus an uair sin am puree fhìogaisean agus deitichean.

Dòirt an taois dhan tiona bhèiceireachd. Geàrr na fìogaisean ùra agus cuir mu thimcheall mullach a’ chèice. Cuir dhan àmhainn airson 50-55 mionaidean.

Fhad ’s a tha a’ chèic san àmhainn, dèan an sgeadachadh le bhith a’ measgachadh an t-siùcar pùdair agus an càise bog ann am inneal-measgachaidh no le sgiotag.

Aon uair ’s gu bheil a’ chèic deiseil, leig leatha fuarachadh gu tur air ràcais uèir. Sgaoil an càise bog leis an t-siùcar pùdair air a muin agus sgeadaich le na fìogaisean a th’ air an gearradh agus an rùsg orainseir.


For the cake
150g dried figs
300g dates
150g fresh figs
900ml water
350g soft light brown sugar
225g unsalted butter
4 large eggs
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
300g self-raising flour
2 tsp vanilla extract

For the cream cheese frosting
360g cream cheese
200g icing sugar
12 fresh figs, cut in half
Zest of 1 orange

Pre-heat the oven to 180C.
Grease a 12 inch spring form cake tin.

Place the dates, dried figs and water in a saucepan and bring to the boil, over a medium heat. Reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes. Then blend in a food processor and set aside.

Cream together the butter and sugar using an electric mixer. Add in one egg at a time, making sure they get well whisked, followed by the vanilla extract. Then fold in the bicarbonate of soda and flour and then the fig and date purée.

Pour the mixture into the greased cake tin. Slice the fresh figs and arrange around the top of the cake. Place the cake in the oven for 50 – 55 minutes.

While the cake is baking, make the frosting by creaming together the icing sugar and cream cheese, in a mixer or with a hand whisk.

Once the cake has baked, allow it to cool completely on a wire rack. Then spread the cream cheese icing on top and arrange the cut figs on top. Decorate with the orange zest.