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Joe Goodall

Episode 2 of 10

An sgrìobhaiche-òran cliùiteach Joe Goodall le seisean acoustic aig Belladrum 2024. The acclaimed songwriter Joe Goodall performs an acoustic set at Belladrum 2024.

An sgrìobhaiche-òran cliùiteach Joe Goodall le seisean acoustic aig Belladrum 2024. Ann a bhith a’ tilleadh gu Belladrum, seallaidh an seinneadair òg tàlantach seo carson a tha e air aithneachdh mar aon de na taisbeanaidhean ciùil ùr as tarraingiche san dùthaich. Tha e air ionadan a lìonadh air feadh Alba, nam measg sin, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Sneaky Pete’s agus SWG3.

The acclaimed songwriter Joe Goodall performs an acoustic set at Belladrum 2024. The young singer is one of the country’s most exciting emerging acts. Joe has sold out shows across Scotland at venues including King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Sneaky Pete’s and SWG3.

23 minutes left to watch

7 minutes
