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Linda Macleod and pupils from Calton Gaelic Primary School read Paddington, the original story of the bear from deepest Peru.

Tha Linda Nicleòid agus sgoilearan à Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn a’ leughadh Paddington, an sgeulachd thùsail mun mhathan à Peru. Chaidh a sgrìobhadh le Michael Bond, na dealbhan le R.W. Alley agus chaidh eadar-theangachadh dhan Ghàidhlig le Gillebrìde Mac ’IlleMhaoil.

Linda Macleod and pupils from Calton Gaelic Primary School read Paddington, the original story of the bear from deepest Peru. The story was written by Michael Bond, with illustrations by R.W. Alley and was translated into Gaelic by Gillebride MacMillan.

16 minutes
