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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 10

Linda visits Meaban and Moo with a challenge. Today, they must find items to keep them warm.

Bidh Linda a’ tadhal air a caraidean Meaban is Moo sa bhothan aca gus dùbhlain spòrsail a chur romhpa. Anns a’ phrògram seo tha i ag iarraidh orra rudan blàth a lorg. Tha cùisean air a dhèanamh nas duilghe ge-tà agus caora air splaoid sa bhothan!

Linda visits her friends Meaban and Moo at their hut to set them fun challenges. In this programme, she tasks them with finding warm things. However, a sheep on the loose in the hut makes their task more challenging!

6 minutes
