Episode 1
Stories of how the Cold War impacted the lives of ordinary people. Sgeulachdan mu mar a thug an Cogadh Fuar buaidh air beatha dhaoine à bhaisteach.
Mar dhuine òg, fhuair Murchadh Dòmhnallach à Port nan Long anns an Eilean Sgitheanach e fhèin ann an Iapan an dèidh bomadh Hiroshima agus Nagasaki. Agus chunnaic e an lèirsgrios a chitheadh an dà thaobh dhen Chogadh Fhuar a’ dol air tòir armachd bith-eòlach, ceimigeach, agus niùclasach. Trà th anns na 50an, lorg fir Leòdhais, Aonghas MacIlleathain agus Tormod MacLeòid iad fhèin air taobh eile an t-saoghail mar phà irt de phrògraman gus deuchainnean agus leasachadh a dhèanamh air an armachd mhillteach seo. Tha teanntachd a’ nochdadh le Baile Berlin air a sgaradh, agus balla ùr a’ riochdachadh sgaradh cruinneil eadar Coimiunaich an Àird an Ear agus Calpairean an Àird an Iar, sgaradh a tha a’ faicinn fir òga às a’ Ghà idhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan an sàs ann an cogaidhean fuilteach ann an Coiria agus Bhietnam. Ach, ’s e am fios mu raon rocaidean air Eilean Bheinn na Faoghla a tha a’ toirt buaidh a’ Chogaidh Fhuair nas fhaisge air an dachaigh do dh’ eileanaich.
As a young man, Murdo Macdonald from Portnalong in Skye found himself in Japan in the wake of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He experienced first-hand the devastation that would see both sides of the Cold War accelerate the pursuit of biological, chemical and nuclear armament.
In the early 1950s, Lewis men Angus Maclean and Norman Macleod found themselves on the other side of the world as part of programmes to test and develop these destructive weapons. Tensions are played out with the partition of the city of Berlin, as a new wall symbolises the global division between the communist East and capitalist West, division that sees young men from the Highlands and Islands engaged in bloody wars in Korea and Vietnam.
However, it is the announcement of a new rocket testing range on the Isle of Benbecula that brings the impact of the Cold War ever closer to home for islanders.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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