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Episode 37 of 40

Tha spong copach is builgeanan beaga a’ tòirt toileachas mòr do dh’ Fhuigheag is Boban an-diugh. A soapy sponge and lots of little bubbles create fun for Boban and Fuigheag.

Nuair tha Boban is Fuigheag a’ lorg spong copach, abair g’ eil spòrs aca leis na builgeanan beaga – tha Fuigheag dìreach na ghlòraidh. Ach uaireannan, feumar a cheannsachadh!

When Boban and Fuigheag find a soapy sponge, they have a lot of fun with the little bubbles, and Fuigheag is in his element. But sometimes he needs to calm down!

Release date:

5 minutes
