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Live coverage from Petershill Park as Glasgow City host Hibernian in the SWPL.

As the race for the SWPL title gathers pace, join us for a top-of-the-table clash as Glasgow City host Hibernian live from Petershill Park, with reaction from Micheal Steele and Alex O’Henley.

Tha an rèis airson tiotail an SWPL a’ teasachadh, thig còmhla rinn airson geama eadar an dà sgioba aig mullach an lìog le Glasgow City a’ cluiche Hibernian beò à Phàirce Chnoc Phàdraig. An geama slàn còmhla ri Micheal Steele agus Ailig O’Henley.

Release date:

2 hours, 10 minutes
