God Should Be Protected From Insult
Should God and the Prophets enjoy protection from insult? Or is it time to expand the scope of protected free speech so that one may mock or insult God and the Prophets?
To this day, the laws of most Australian states and territories continue to prohibit blasphemy. For example, in New South Wales a person may still be prosecuted for the common law offence of blasphemy if their purpose is to engage in 'scoffing or reviling'. Put simply, citizens may not mock or insult God or the Prophets. Of course, the possibility of a 'rap on the knuckles' from a magistrate may be the least of one's problems. As Salman Rushdie discovered, perceived religious insults can result in a death sentence - and years of being locked away, protected from Allah's assassins. So, should God and the Prophets enjoy such protection from insult? Or is it time to expand the scope of protected free speech so that one may mock or insult God and the Prophets without fear of reprisal?