Warriors from the North
A revealing film about young Somali-European men, who leave their countries for Somalia to train with the Islamist militant group al-Shabab, to eventually become fighters and suici
Warriors from the North - a film about young Somali-European men, who leave their everyday lives to become fighters, and perhaps even suicide bombers, in Somalia - one of the most dangerous and impoverished places in the world. These young men, most of them born and raised in Scandinavia, are recruited in their home towns and subsequently leave for Somalia, where they are trained by al-Shabab, an Islamist militant group whose aim is to obtain Islamic rule in Somalia. This is the story of a young man known only as "The Shadow" who describes how he fell victim to recruiters from al-Shabab. He outlines the conditions that make boys like him susceptible to the lure of the "holy war," explaining that, "Nothing in my life made any sense." A number of other young fighters, their identities concealed, explain why they left hearth and home and are prepared to die.