Main content
Andie Harper's Mid-Morning Clips
Have teenagers been let down by the exam system?
Duration: 06:20
A beer for the troops.
Duration: 02:32
Cambs Hour - the new way to network.
Duration: 04:27
The app that identifies ash dieback disease.
Duration: 06:46
Phase one of Northstowe approved.
Duration: 05:28
Blind man recalls being dumped by taxi driver in Peterborough.
Duration: 06:18
How germ-ridden is your doctor's surgery?
Duration: 04:28
The entrepreneur behind a million pound business.
Duration: 05:08
How much do we know about Asperger's?
Duration: 02:54
Do March residents know who Hilary Mantel is?
Duration: 01:53
Why have people kept quiet about Jimmy Savile?
Duration: 03:13
Why do sexual abuse vicitms find it so hard to speak out?
Duration: 04:49
Julie Fernandez shares her experience with Jimmy Savile.
Duration: 04:35
The first Christmas lights in Cambridgeshire.
Duration: 01:55
What's the worst noise in the world?
Duration: 02:05