From Our Own Correspondent Episodes Episode guide
Taliban rockets in Pakistan
Taliban rockets create a Pakistani warzone
Tale of an Israeli Informer
How one Palestinian man turned informer for the Israelis
Taking A Holiday In Colombia
Colombian holiday? Why caviar is becoming a diminishing resource in the Caspian Sea
Taiwan's Green Island Prison
Taiwan prison and how FOOC helped to complete a love story started in World War II
Syria's New Society
Damascus play criticising Arabs, Caucasus people wanting to go home, women in Somalia
Syria's New Leader
Syria's new leader; the Vietnamese boat people begin a new life in Hong Kong
Syria's - A New Era?
Syria's new start, Zimbabwe's elections, forced marriages in Bangladesh, Kosovo farms
Syria - An Unlikely Ally
Changing times in Syria, could the US find it an unlikely ally in the Middle East?
Sydney Bush Fires
Damage done by Sydney bush fires, and Vietnam's emergence into the modern world
Swiss Get Heroin on Prescription
Swiss give heroin on prescription and redemption for US gang member in El Salvador
Swine 'flu in Mexico
Life in the shadow of the menace of swine flu in Mexico
Sweden's 'National Tragedy' and the Euro Vote
Murder of Anna Lindh in Sweden, ruling the world, 25 years travelling with the Pope, Dubai
Sweden Votes on the Euro
Swedish mothers to swing the vote, a Baghdad hotel and the Paris bicycle to the rescue
Survivors of Darfur
Fighting in the Darfur region of Sudan has led to a million people fleeing their homes
Surviving a Bomb Attack in Israel
Hope for the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians; battling Iranian bureaucracy
Super Tuesday 2000
Super Tuesday in the US, religious violence in Nigeria, and a farewell to Hong Kong
Super 'Duper' Tuesday
The US presidential candidates gear up for Super Tuesday
Suicide Bombing in Saudi Arabia
Aftermath of suicide bombing, anger in Georgia and nudity equals arrest in Cote d'Ivoire
Sudan's Refugees Flee to Chad
Refugee camps in Chad, fight against HIV and AIDS; find on a trek through central Asia
Strained US-Canadian Relations
US-Canadian relations under strain, peace in the DR of Congo, mobiles in Azerbaijan
Stand-off Between The US And China
Taiwan and the US, Japan's new prime minister, Montenegro, Pope in Syria, and Istanbul
Sri Lanka's war continues
The mood in Colombo as Sri Lanka war continues
Sri Lanka's Peace
Sri Lankan ceasefire, Maoists in Nepal. Kuwaiti women, Turkey's police, execution in Texas
Sri Lanka and human rights abuses
Accusations of human rights abuses in Sri Lanka
Special Edition - Turkey's Entry to Europe
European Enlargement Commission and Turkey's readiness to start membership negotiations
Southern Sudan at Peace
Rebuilding Southern Sudan, Cambodian fashion and end of an Indian village community
Southern India Fishing Community Under Threat
Ancient fishing communities of India, Baltic neighbours and African priests in France
Southern Africa's food crisis
Southern Africa's food crisis and a visit to the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan
South Korea's clean sweep
New politics in South Korea, life in Somaliland and spending a day in an English prison
South America's New Look
New leaders and a new look in Latin America