Global Business Episodes Episode guide
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Mark Moody-Stuart Of Royal Dutch Shell
An interview with Mark Moody-Stuart, chairman of the Royal Dutch Shell group
Mark Anderson's predictions for 2009
Peter Day talks to Mark Anderson, chief executive of Strategic News Service
Mark Anderson's predictions for 2009
Peter Day talks to Mark Anderson, chief executive of Strategic News Service
Mark Anderson Talks About The Future
Interview with Mark Anderson who runs technology business Allowance Partners
Mark Anderson On 2008
Looking ahead to global business in 2008, with predictions from experts
Manufacturing Legends - The Band Of Angels
A report on Band of Angels, Silicon Valley's oldest seed-funding organisation
Malaysia's Economic Ambitions
How Malaysia is trying to become a player in the global economy
Making Space Pay
A report on the private companies that want to conquer new frontiers of space
Made-To-Order Cars
A look at the changes in the mass production methods used by Ford
Machiavellian Tactics And The Art Of War
Can business learn anything from historical figures?
London - The Superbug Capital Of The World
A visit to St Thomas' Hospital in London, which has dubbed the world's superbug capital
Location, location, location
Why business today is all about, location, location, location
Lean Manufacturing - The March Of Civilisation
A look at how lean manufacturing is changing the face of both manufacturing and services
Kurt Andersen On Magazines And The Internet
Journalist, author and editor Kurt Anderson on the influence of magazines
Keeping It In The Family Firm
Examining the institution of the family firm
Keeping Business In The Family
A report on family-run firms and their place in the business world
Kazakhstan - Trying To Avoid The 'Oil Curse'
A report from Astana, capital of Kazakhstan and a look at its changing economy
Karina von Baer
A profile of Chilean entrepreneur Karina Von Baer
Karina von Baer
A profile of Chilean entrepreneur Karina Von Baer
Joseph Stiglitz On Globalisation
Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist of the World Bank talks about globalisation
Jonathon Porritt On Climate Change And Business
An interview with the long-standing environmental campaigner
Joining The EU - Poland
Report on the agricultural problems in Poland as it prepares to join the EU
Joining The EU - Hungary
Report on the former-communist countries who are now lining up to join the EU
Joining The EU - Czech Republic
A report on three former communist countries about to join the single market of the EU
John Kao - and the sweet spot
Global Business hears from John Kao, who holds a Harvard MBA and a Yale medical degree
John Kao - and the sweet spot
Global Business hears from John Kao, who holds a Harvard MBA and a Yale medical degree
John Chambers - why recessions breed innovation
Presenter Peter Day speaks to John Chambers of Cisco
John Chambers - why recessions breed innovation
Presenter Peter Day speaks to John Chambers of Cisco
Jim Rodgers On Commodity Prices
A report on commodity investing, how the price of raw everyday materials is set to soar
Jerry Sanders - The Maverick Behind AMD
Is it possible to ever rival Intel? An interview with Jerry Sanders, head of AMD