Sadie Nine Episodes Episode guide
Where's the best coastal spot to visit?
Ronnie Barbour sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Is the Government doing enough to tackle illegal workers?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Should pavements be lowered to accommodate cars?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Would you know how to save a life?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
What would you do if you caught your child smoking?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Grammar or comprehensive school?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Where were you when your icon died?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Should food banks charge for their service?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
What's more important: housing or countryside?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Should public sector overtime pay be capped?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Is it time to bin the idea of recycling?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Are you worried about becoming a hoarder?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
How do you drive safely in bad weather?
Kath Melandri sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Have you ever bailed somebody out?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Should families always be given the first chance to adopt?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
How much should you spend on a present for a teacher?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Should smoking be banned on Essex beaches?
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Is the TV licence good value for money?
Steve Scruton sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Why are Travellers treated like second class citizens?
Steve Scruton sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Steve Scruton sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Steve Scruton sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Kath Melandri sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
With music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).
Kath Melandri sits in with music and phone-in debate - call 0300 200 40 41 (local rate).