Witness History Clips
The Truth and Reconciliation Challenge
Duration: 04:30
When France said ‘non’ to Britain
Duration: 04:17
LEGO: the invention of the legendary brick
Duration: 04:19
My dad was shot dead on Bloody Sunday
Duration: 04:47
Donald Campbell's fatal speedboat crash
Duration: 04:28
The Great London Smog
Duration: 04:14
When the world sang with whales
Duration: 04:20
A city built for scientists
Duration: 04:27
The Litvinenko murder
Duration: 04:31
Sixties Soho's dancing nudes
Duration: 04:46
The dog that orbited the Earth
Duration: 04:09
Oscar Niemeyer's forgotten masterpiece
Duration: 04:14
The fake IDs that saved Jewish lives
Duration: 04:52
Reliving the horrors of the Moscow theatre siege
Duration: 04:31
Britain's Worst Ever Nuclear Accident
Duration: 04:07
My house was occupied by Israeli soldiers
Duration: 04:05
Remembering Black Consciousness leader Steve Biko
Duration: 04:22
The women who fed the UK during WW2
Duration: 04:11
Biosphere 2: Building A New World
Duration: 04:15
The Wedding That Broke Centuries of Tradition
Duration: 03:57
I helped build the world’s longest tunnel
Duration: 04:05
Idi Amin’s orders banished my family from Uganda
Duration: 04:08
Victims of Partition
Duration: 04:23