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Tim Berners-Lee remembers the moment he switched on the web
What happened when Tim Berners-Lee switched on the first website? In a clip from 'The Virtual Revolution', a 4 part series about how the web is reshaping our lives, the inventor of the World Wide Web suggests that not everyone was aware how much the world changed that day.
This clip is from
More clips from The Great Levelling?
How the world wide web was invented
Duration: 02:06
Internet Access For All
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The Widespread Appeal of Wikipedia
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The Virtual Revolution - The Great Levelling?
Duration: 04:02
More clips from The Virtual Revolution
The online business—The Cost of Free
Duration: 04:17
How the world wide web was invented—The Great Levelling?
Duration: 02:06
Internet Access For All—The Great Levelling?
Duration: 02:42
Does Anyone Control the Internet?—Enemy of the State?
Duration: 02:53