Grilled squirrel for breakfast
Simon Reeve continues his epic journey around the world following the tropic of Cancer, the northern border of the tropics region.
Simon Reeve discovers that in forested Laos the locals eat everything that grows, crawls and scampers in the woods, as he is given a breakfast of grilled squirrel and fried caterpillars by a Lao chef.
Simon suspected he might actually be eating rat, and his Lao guide wasn't entirely reassuring.
After travelling around the tropic of Capricorn and the equator, this series completes Simon's trilogy of journeys exploring the amazing tropics region with his toughest, longest, most ambitious challenge yet.
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More clips from Laos to Hawaii
Preview of Laos to Hawaii
Duration: 01:24
Bears for bile
Duration: 02:30
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
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More clips from Tropic of Cancer with Simon Reeve
Simon Reeve interview
Duration: 03:48
Dubai from the air—Egypt to Oman
Duration: 01:32
Great Pacific Garbage Patch—Laos to Hawaii
Duration: 04:26
Bears for bile—Laos to Hawaii
Duration: 02:30