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11/12/2010 GMT

Can the places where we live and work make us unwell? Science fiction African style and why we should all get used to the idea of munching insects.

This week on the Forum… why what we see and hear can affect our well being. Leading mind and body medical researcher Esther Sternberg explains how our environment can make or break the healing process.

Futuristic fiction set in Africa. Nigerian American novelist Nnedi Okorafor makes the case for sci-fi as a new way to shine a light on African problems.

And the future of food consumption. Dutch behavioural ecologist Marcel Dicke argues we should all learn to like the taste of insects – however whiskery or slimy they may be. Insects are a more efficient way to provide food rich in protein, for the world’s growing population.

Illustration by Emily Kasriel: A stressful tasty insect, open landscape and sci fi novels as restorative medicine.

Available now

50 minutes

Last on

Mon 13 Dec 2010 01:05GMT


  • Esther Sternberg

    Healing thoughts.

    Duration: 17:27


    Stereotypes and internet fraud.

    Duration: 05:30

  • Marcel Dicke

    Insects on the menu.

    Duration: 09:50

  • Nnedi Okorafor

    Futuristic fiction set in Africa.

    Duration: 09:53


  • Sat 11 Dec 2010 22:05GMT
  • Sun 12 Dec 2010 09:05GMT
  • Mon 13 Dec 2010 01:05GMT

What is the role of libraries in the digital age?

What is the role of libraries in the digital age?

We’d love to hear how you use your local library and what its future might hold.
