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Spring clean your fitness regime

A five week programme to get you on your way to getting in shape.

Personal Trainer Daniel Wolff and Organic Body Mechanic Jennifer Cook give you a beginners programme to try over the next five weeks!


• Build up to exercising at a moderate intensity for at least 30min 3-4 times per week
• Walk/ jog 1 mile in under 15min
• Make exercising a part of your life!

Where are you now? Are you able to get started straight away? Do you need to see your GP? Do you need to see a Sports therapist like Jennifer Cook to ensure your muscles and joints are able to cope with a new regime?
Can you find a friend, family member, work colleague who also wants to get fit? Make sure they have the same availability, and that you get on with them!
Failing that, can you find a fitness class or group that interests you for at least once a week?
Look at your weekly schedule and see when you are going to exercise. Write it in to your diary as if it was a important meeting.
Get some comfortable clothes and trainers. Doesn’t have to be fancy!

The aim is for you to fit in 3 x at least 30min of moderate to high intensity exercise using nothing more than what is available to you outside.

First session:
Pick a set distance, ideally 1mile long, and see how fast you can do it now! It could be laps of a football pitch, or the distance to your local pub! Aim for it to take you more that 10min. write it down in your diary. Compare your result for your age and gender….

Thereafter, you have 2 or 3 sessions per week which differ in intensity so that you pushing yourself safely. The programme is a guideline, so if you feel you can do more do so, or reduce the programme if it is too much. The main aim is that you are doing more than the week before!
Try to always walk and jog on soft surfaces. Tarmac is the worst and should be avoided as can result in shin splints and knee problems. Aim to run on tracks or grass.
Stretching: Always do some stretching of the quads, hamstrings and calves before progressing in intensity.

Last session
Just see whether you can improve on your session 1 time! Hopefully you will beat it by quite a way! good luck!

By Daniel Wolff and Jennifer Cook

3 hours

Last on

Mon 9 May 2011 13:00


  • Mon 9 May 2011 13:00