Alien introductions
Domestic cats were brought to New Zealand to eat mice but now run wild and prey on the native birds, which are defenceless against them. In addition, ferrets which are basically domesticated polecats, were imported to hunt the rabbits that humans had introduced. Some escaped, reverted to their wild state, bred and survived on a diet that included penguin chicks. None of New Zealand's flightless birds are safe from them. People also introduced plant-eating animals like possums which were brought as pets from Australia. Rabbits were imported to provide meat and fur, while red deer were released in the mountains for hunting. But the deer grazed and browsed so effectively that they destroyed the trees and bushes. As a result, the soil was washed away and the forest was devastated, robbing the local animals of the cover and vegetation on which they depended.
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大象传媒 Nature
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