Y Fasged Wye
Awn i gwrdd â'r fenyw fach a'i basged o wye ar ei ffordd o Landeilo i Landybie. In this episode we meet a little old lady with her basket of eggs in the folksong ‘Y Fasged Wye’.
Croeso i fyd Begw Bwt. Cymeriad annwyl, llawn bywyd yw Begw a does ddim yn well ganddi na chroesawu ei ffrindiau bach i fyd hud a doniol ein caneuon gwerin. Ym mhob rhaglen cawn gyflwyniad byrlymus gan Begw Bwt cyn iddi ein hudo i fyd lliwgar y gân yng nghwmni Catrin Finch ar y delyn. Yn y rhaglen hon cawn gwrdd â’r fenyw fach a’i basged o wye wrth iddi gerdded o Landeilo i Landybie. Welcome to the world of Begw Bwt. Begw is a lively and colourful character who introduces pre-school children to the magical and comical world of Welsh folk songs. With the help of vibrant animation Begw Bwt gives a vivid description of the story behind each verse and leads us to the land of folk song to hear it played. In this episode we meet a little old lady with her basket of eggs in the folksong ‘Y Fasged Wye’.
Rhaglen: Y Fasged Wye
Hyd: 07:04
Hwiangerdd Y Fasged Wye
Hyd: 00:29