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Lifeline – bibic

Dragon Theo Paphitis makes an appeal on behalf of bibic (the British Institute for Brain Injured Children), a charity that helps children with a range of developmental problems such as autism, cerebral palsy or dyslexia. As a dyslexic himself, Theo found school hard. He goes back to his primary school in North London to revisit his childhood memories and meets 19-year-old Maia, who is also dyslexic, but with the help of the charity has realised her potential and started a successful dance business.

To donate go online at or call 01278 684 060. If you would like to post a donation please make your cheque payable to bibic and send it to bibic, FREEPOST (BS8264), Knowle Hall, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 8BR.

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4 minutes