The Listening Project Clips
Mary & Dina: To Hull And Back
Duration: 03:26
Emma & Charlotte: Voting in Times of Terror
Duration: 03:13
Alicia & Cristina: Wanting to Change the World
Duration: 03:05
Brandon & Sarok: Keeping Out Of Trouble
Duration: 03:03
Leaving the family home: Linda & Margaret
Duration: 02:58
Building the Blade - a career in engineering: Helen & Laura
Duration: 03:26
Growing up with depression: Malcolm & Stuart
Duration: 02:36
Paint It Blue: Karlis & Shirley
Duration: 03:15
Hull is home, this city has done a lot for us: Stef & Glenn
Duration: 02:46
It’s time to hand over the family business: Alan & Amy
Duration: 02:55
The Apprentice Blade Builder: Steve & Harrison
Duration: 02:45
Wendy & Christine: Time to shout it from the rooftops!
Duration: 03:02
Quentin & Zebedee: What do you want to do with your life?
Duration: 02:29
Sisters Louise & Grace: Growing up without Mum
Duration: 03:26
Lauretta & Sam: Our Little Bit Of Paradise
Duration: 03:01
Dave & Andy: a career in theatre - why we do it
Duration: 02:41
Joanne & Isobel: Why we chose to teach
Duration: 02:55
Hazel & Linda: Breaking Up The Band
Duration: 03:25
Alec & Audrey: My knight in shining bicycle clips
Duration: 02:50
Jack & Aiden: Growing Up With Rugby
Duration: 02:28
Najah & Mohamed: Starting a new life in Hull
Duration: 01:46
Yasmin & Lana: Sharing a room with my sister
Duration: 02:50
Amelia, Emma & Jessica: You saved me from the bullies at school
Duration: 02:10