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Schubert's Vienna: Hofburg and school
Sean Rafferty goes to Mass sung by the Vienna Boys’ Choir.
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Spirit of Schubert: Schubert's Vienna
Sean Rafferty discovers the city in which Schubert grew up, lived and worked.
More clips from Geraldine McGreevy, Toby Spence, Marcus Farnsworth, Ruby Hughes, Christoph Denoth
The Schubert Lab - Episode 7: Part 3
Duration: 11:51
More clips from In Tune
Ella Jarman-Pinto’s Plango: A Cure Lament
Duration: 05:16
Why are sea shanties trending on social media?
Duration: 07:06
Saint-Saëns, arr. Richard Birchall: The Swan
Duration: 02:54