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Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience: Series 3 - Zoo Keeper
Rhod Gilbert leaves his regular job as a stand-up comedian to try out four new ones. He has to try and become a modern day Doctor Dolittle as a zoo keeper at Welsh Mountain Zoo, North Wales. Looking after tigers, sea lions and freaky monkeys, Rhod faces up to the realities of exotic animal care - and he cannot even remember the monkeys' names.
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More clips from Zoo Keeper
Rhod helps return a seal back to wild
Duration: 02:05
Meerkat Mayhem
Duration: 01:20
More clips from Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience
Preparing for a controlled landing at sea—Series 8, Cabin Crew
Duration: 02:27
Rhod's curry in a hurry!—Series 8, Festival Chef
Duration: 04:00
Rhod causes an explosion near Merthyr Tydfil—Series 6, Miner
Duration: 02:39
Can Rhod keep this boat afloat?—Series 8, Navy
Duration: 03:34