Sunday Breakfast Episodes Episode guide
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Anthony Isaacs takes over the show
Anthony takes over as the new presenter of Sunday Breakfast.
Mothering Sunday
In his final show, Mark Matthews hears about the faith background to Mothering Sunday.
The launch of a brand-new church for Norfolk
Mark Matthews hears about the first day of the Living Stones Christian Fellowship.
The Holi Festival
Mark Matthews hears how Hindus in Norfolk are marking the Holi Festival.
The future of religious education
Mark Matthews hears about renewed warnings of religious education being under threat.
Preparing for Lent
Mark Matthews hears how some people in Norfolk are getting ready for the start of Lent.
Rural evangelist in South Norfolk
Mark Matthews hears about a new "rural evangelist" project in South Norfolk.
Reaction to the latest women bishops vote
Mark Matthews hears local reaction to the latest in the women bishops saga.
New Dean of Norwich Cathedral named
Mark Matthews hears about how Norwich has a female dean for the first time ever.
Faith and politics
Mark Matthews hears what your faith could have to do with your political views.
Looking ahead to Holocaust Memorial Day
Mark Matthews hears how tomorrow's holocaust commemoration will be marked in Norfolk.
Church attendance
Mark Matthews hears what can be done about falling congregations.
Prayers to be said for helicopter crash victims
Mark Matthews hears about prayers for the US helicopter crew killed at Cley-next-the-Sea.
YMCA Nightstop
Mark Matthews hears about emergency short term accommodation for young people.
The church bus
Mark Matthews hears how a double decker bus is being used for faith use in Norfolk.
The Christmas truce
Mark Matthews hears from the local author looking into the famous First World War truce.
Winter Solstice
Mark Matthews hears how local pagans are looking ahead to the Winter Solstice.
Latest in airport delays, local Mandela reaction, and floods clean-up
Mark Matthews hears about the ongoing flood clean-up operations.
Immigration and faith in Norfolk
Mark Matthews hears how immigration has influenced faith and religion in the county.
Mass vigil in Norwich
Mark Matthews hears about an event taking place at Norwich's Catholic cathedral.
Prisons Week
Mark Matthews hears about the role faith can play for those in prison.
Remembrance Sunday
Mark Matthews hears how Norfolk is marking Remembrance Sunday.
Award for Norfolk Medieval Graffiti Survey
Mark Matthews hears about recognition for a local archaeological project.
From prison to the church
Mark Matthews hears from one local vicar whose life turned around completely.
Living alone
Mark Matthews hears the stories of some people in Norfolk who live on their own.
Science and faith, after the Higgs boson discovery Nobel Prize win
Mark Matthews looks into the debate between science and religion.
Religious education in schools
Mark Matthews gets local reaction to Ofsted's national report on RE in schools.
Norfolk's coroner becomes lay canon
Mark Matthews hears from William Armstrong about his new faith role.
The debate over women wearing the veil
Mark Matthews hears a local angle on an issue that's been making the headlines this week.
Restorative approaches to conflict
Mark Matthews is joined by a panel of local experts to discuss restorative approaches.