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Coastlines - drastic erosion
At Holderness, on the east coast of England, several metres of the coastline can disappear overnight. Sue Earl was a farmer affected by this drastic erosion. She watched her home and farm crumble into the sea. This happened very quickly because the Holderness coast is made up of glacial till - a type of soft boulder clay.
More clips from Mountains and Coasts: Coastal Landscapes
How caves, arches and stacks are formed at the coastline
Duration: 02:36
Coastlines - beach formation
Duration: 02:12
Coastlines - erosion
Duration: 03:39
Harbours, estuaries and the Milford Haven disaster
Duration: 03:09
More clips from Primary Geography
Journey of the Nile (pt 1/3)—Nile Shorts - Journey Down the Nile
Duration: 03:00