Journey of the Nile (pt 1/3)
The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world. It is more than 6,000km in length and crosses nine countries. As it travels north, the river becomes wide and sweeping, but it starts small in the mountains of Ethiopia and Uganda.
North Africa has dry and wet seasons. During the dry season, the temperatures can reach 58 degrees Celsius and huge quantities of the water in the Nile evaporates. The rainy season in the Ethiopian highlands can last for several months. If the rains do not arrive, Ethiopia suffers from terrible droughts. The arrival of the rainy season is therefore always reason to celebrate in the highlands. The water from here flows north to join the Nile.
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More clips from Nile Shorts - Journey Down the Nile
Journey of the Nile (pt 2/3)
Duration: 04:53
Journey of the Nile (pt 3/3)
Duration: 04:17