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Dewi Llwyd yn rhannu ei atgofion o straeon tri degawd diwethaf. Dewi Llwyd shares his memories of the biggest stories of the last 30 years.

Mae Dewi Llwyd newydd roi'r gorau i gyflwyno Newyddion ar ol mwy na chwarter canrif wrth y llyw. Mewn cyfweliad estynedig gyda Bethan Rhys Roberts mae'n rhannu atgofion am rai o'r straeon mawr y tri degawd diwetha ac yn edrych yn ol ar yrfa lle bu'n llygad-dyst i hanes.

Dewi Llwyd has just given up the presenter's chair after more than a quarter of a century at the helm of Newyddion. In an extended interview with Bethan Rhys Roberts he shares his memories of some of the biggest stories of the last three decades and looks back at a career that's made him an eye-witness to history.

48 minutes

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