Dewi Llwyd sydd wrth y llyw o Ganolfan Hamdden Caerfyrddin. Dewi Llwyd chairs this week's discussion from Carmarthen Leisure Centre.
Daw Pawb a鈥檌 Farn ola鈥檙 gyfres yr wythnos hon o Ganolfan Hamdden Caerfyrddin. Ar y panel fydd dau o aelodau鈥檙 Cynulliad, Simon Thomas Plaid Cymru a鈥檙 Ceidwadwr Paul Davies; hefyd Dr. Carol Bell sy鈥檔 awdurdod ar y diwydiannau nwy ac olew, a鈥檙 Athro R. Gwynedd Parry o adran y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Abertawe. The last programme in this series comes from Carmarthen Leisure Centre. On the panel will be two Assembly members Simon Thomas from Plaid Cymru and Conservative Paul Davies. Also Dr Carol Bell who鈥檚 an authority on the gas and oil industries, and Prof. R. Gwynedd Parry from the department of Law at Swansea University.