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Notation and melodic movement
An introduction to early notation and how music was first written down. The use of squiggles (or neumes) and the first method of stave notation are covered, using the example of Guido of Arezzo and a contemporary Bruno Mars melody.
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More clips from Episode 1
Harmony, dissonance and an introduction to opera
Duration: 05:40
Handel, the pianoforte and oratorio
Duration: 13:36
Key signatures, equal temperament and the 12-tone tuning system
Duration: 05:51
Harmony, intervals, triads and cadences
Duration: 08:01
More clips from Howard Goodall's Story of Music
Stravinsky, Russian music and modernism—Learning Zone, Episode 2
Duration: 04:16
Blues and ragtime—Learning Zone, Episode 2
Duration: 09:49