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Swapping numbers when adding them together
A catchy song that shows that numbers can be added in any order and the total will always be the same, eg 4 + 6 = 10 is the same as 6 + 4 = 10.
This clip is from
More clips from Year 1 - Addition
Maths quiz on number bonds
Duration: 02:26
Making 5 by adding 1 and 4
Duration: 01:56
Making 5 by adding 2 and 3
Duration: 02:07
Maths quiz - number bonds to 10
Duration: 02:30
More clips from The Maths Channel
Measurement of weight (signed)—Year 5 - Area
Duration: 00:50
Division with remainders (signed)—Year 4 - Division
Duration: 02:23
Measuring weight - grams and kilograms (signed)—Ordering Numbers
Duration: 02:33