Rogue landlords and free parking
News and features with weather and travel every 15 minutes presented by Matt Woodley.
Matt and the team take a look at the number of complaints against private landlords and ask where you can park for free in Devon.
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Rogue Landlords
Nearly聽5,000 people in Devon have complained about their private landlords in the past four years.
The figures come from the housing charity Shelter, which says nearly half the people - who are renting across the South West - are in bad housing.
It's launching a campaign today to get local councils to take action against rogue landlords.
We'll hear from Shelter and others.
Share your experiences of renting or letting a property on our page.
Free Parking

A Devon village could find itself having to pay parking charges for the first time.
A public meeting is being held this evening, in South Brent, for locals to have their say.
It's been organised by the parish council which is against the proposal.
South Hams Council, which is behind the idea, says it's having to to make tough choices in the face of budget pressures.
Our reporter Chris Whipp takes a look at the situation - and we want to know where your 'secret' free parking spaces are in the county.
Have your say on our page.
- Wed 16 Oct 2013 06:30大象传媒 Radio Devon
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