Trending Episodes Episode guide
‘Not In My Name’
A brutal murder in India sparks a viral, global hashtag.
Fake Victim Images
Why would people circulate fake victim images minutes after a tragedy?
Quilting Wars
How the fractious politics of America is tearing apart the US quilting community.
Political Public Shaming
The conflict in Venezuela has moved outside the country – both on and offline.
What Is 4Chan?
How one website has become influential in online politics today.
Travelling Without Male Consent
We unpick the story of a viral hashtag which challenged Saudi 'guardianship' rules
What Happened to #Kony2012?
What Happened to #Kony2012? And the the priest mixing Buddhist chants with techno beats
Tracking #MacronLeaks
How the American alt-right helped #MacronLeaks go viral.
Cartoonists of the ‘Caliphate’
Supporters of so-called Islamic State are spreading their ideology – through cartoons.
Fashion Brands and the Hijab
The backlash against fashion brands that use hijab to sell their products.
Fake Celebrity Accounts
What is behind the disturbing rise of fake celebrity accounts targeting minors?
Liberal Fake News
Has there been a rise in anti-Donald Trump fake news since he became President?
How The ‘Great Meme War’ Moved To France
How a small group of French internet users plan to influence the elections.
The Sandy Hook Hoaxers
Families are battling fake online theories that claim their children were never killed.
Disturbing Rip-Off Cartoons
An investigation into unsuitable children’s cartoons on YouTube.
Nigeria’s Secret Transgender Groups
Nigeria’s transgender community speak to us about secret online groups
Playing it Safe
Playing it safe - the death of a famous gamer shocks the online streaming community.
Sweden’s ‘Troll Factory’
Why is a far right group in Sweden secretly recording phone calls with journalists?
Twitter Bots Target UK By-Election
Why did a mysterious group of pro-Russia Twitter accounts target a UK election?
Antifascists v Alt.Right
We investigate the dirty tricks used online by Antifascists and the Alt.Right in the US
NATO’s Claims of Russian ‘Misinformation’
Explaining the stories the world is sharing
Debunking YouTube Rumours
Debunking YouTube paedophile rumours and online radicalisation of the far-right
Robot News and Fake Facts
Robot News - who is behind thousands of automated videos popping up online?
Could Sending a GIF Be a Crime?
How do you go online if flashing lights could hurt you?
Conversations With a Hacker
Tracking the hackers - Who is Guccifer 2.0?
Could Crowdmapping Create a Safer World?
Is crowdmapping an effective tool to tackle political violence and hate crime?
Harambe: The Meme that Won’t Go Away
How did a gorilla shot in a zoo in the US gain such relevance to the online world?
The Biggest Trends of 2016
The US Elections, the EU Referendum, livestreaming and ‘creepy clown’ sightings
Demonetisation’s Fake News Demons
False rumours suggesting India’s new bank notes could be radioactive are spreading online
Gab: Free Speech Haven Or ‘alt-right safe space’?
A new social network that pledges to put ‘free speech first’ has drawn controversy online