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Sexuality and sexual harassment in China and Turkey
Sexual harassment and sexuality, debates on social media in China and Turkey this week.

The Chapel Hill shootings hashtag; and moral policing Valentine’s Day in India.
Why was #ChapelHillShooting so quick to label the murder a hate crime?

Disability as Inspiration: Positive or Patronising?
Does the use of disability as inspiration over simplify and patronise?

Mystery donor’s largesse to French gamers
The mystery donor ‘rewarding’ French gamers, and named and shamed by Ecuador’s President

#Freespeechstories: Arrested for a Tweet
Kenyan blogger arrested for causing public anxiety, and wedding crashers' stories

Exposing racists and getting them fired, the vigilantes policing the internet
From policing to trolling. Can online vigilantes go too far?

Facing the Taliban: Videos call out religious extremism in Pakistan
Showing ‘face’ from China to Pakistan in the video challenges trending this week

Social Media: Not What, but Where you Say it
A look into where discussions are taking place on social networks

There are 23 Amazing Reasons This Radio Programme Will Change Your Life
The wave of digital upstarts that are transforming journalism

Recycled Shoe Photo and Russian Zen
An image shared in Pakistan, and coping with economic woes.