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Fe gyniga Dai a Diane lety i Darren fel nad oes rhaid iddo fod o dan yr un to a Kevin. Not wanting to stay in the same house as Kevin, Darren is offered shelter with Dai and Diane.
Fe gaiff Anita gyngor cyfreithiol wrth iddi hi a Sheryl uno i geisio atal Darren rhag cymryd Wil. Ond pam fo Meic mor dawedog? Fe gyniga Dai a Diane lety i Darren fel nad oes rhaid iddi fod o dan yr un to a Kevin. Anita seeks legal advice as she and Sheryl unite in their efforts to stop Darren from taking Wil. But why is Meic keeping so quiet? Not wanting to stay in the same house as Kevin, Darren is offered shelter with Dai and Diane.