The app which aims to solve dilemmas
Kate Russell reviews websites and apps including one which breaks down tough decisions.
Kate Russell's weekly review of the best apps and websites.
ManageFlitter can help you to see who is engaging with you on Twitter and provide tools to clean up your account.
Twitter Bio Generator is a fun tool that will help you out with some snappy prose if you are having trouble deciding on a biography.
New iPhone app, ChoiceMap, wants to help you make better decisions by using an algorithm to help you see the root of your dilemma.
Another useful iPhone app is Wibbitz. It turns written articles from top news sources in categories set by you into short video summaries.
Aquardio is a virtual aquarium where visitors queue up to feed lovely tropical fish and it makes a good adornment for your screen too.
Phobia Free is a National Health Service approved iPhone app that can help you conquer a fear of spiders with proven relaxation and anti-anxiety techniques.
Video of the week is Metropolis 2 by Vimeo channel duo Supermarche: Henry and Rel and is definitely the coolest model city I have ever seen.
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