Meet the Berliners
Charlie links up online with children in Berlin and practises his German. His new friends introduce themselves and take him on a virtual mini-tour of their neighbourhood.
Charlie is learning German at school. He links up online with children in Berlin to practise and improve his German. His new friends are in the middle of band practice but connect up with Charlie shortly afterwards. They introduce themselves as Lena, Jens, Annika and Moritz. Most of the time, they only speak to Charlie in German. Charlie notices that his friends shake hands when they meet up, which is quite different from greeting friends in the UK.
Charlie uses his German to ask his friends where they live. They are all from the city of Berlin. Charlie is then taken on a virtual tour of Berlin and sees some of main sites. The girls tell Charlie that they are going to take him somewhere special and the film moves to the area where the American Sector used to be. Charlie is intrigued, as he has heard about the Berlin Wall and the division of Germany. The surprise the girls have in store for is Checkpoint Charlie. This used to be the best known crossing point between East and West Berlin. It is now a much visited tourist site. Lena and Annika ask Charlie to take their photo with one of the ‘guards’. The girls say goodbye to Charlie, promising to be in touch soon – Bis bald!
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