Mercenary Mum, Saving Goats, An Eritrean's Journey to Europe
Australia's 'mercenary mum', Saving Pashmina goats, An Eritrean's epic journey to Europe.
Zekarias Kebraeb grew up in the Eritrean capital Asmara. In 2002 he set off on an epic journey to realise his dream of peace and freedom in Europe. It took three years of travelling and trauma before he was finally given permission to settle in Germany.
Neryl Joyce resigned from her job as a soldier the Australian army 10 years ago. She was a single mum with a young son, but she did not turn her back on danger. She chose a surprising new career working as a private bodyguard in war-torn Baghdad. Today she calls herself the 'mercenary mum'.
Christopher Jefferies is a retired school teacher who in 2010 was wrongly accused of a high-profile murder. Now a film has been made about his ordeal.
Babar Afzal used to be a city boy, living and working in New Delhi as an international business consultant. Now he supports the local shepherds in his homeland of Jammu and Kashmir, where around 25,000 Pashmina goats had died following a particularly harsh winter.
Twenty-seven-year-old Maurice Oniang'o from Kenya has just beaten 100 journalists from around the world to win a top award.
(Photo: From left to right, Neryl Joyce, Babar Afzal, Zekarias Kebraeb)