Bollywood Brit; Burning Temple; Punks!
Amy Jackson - from Liverpool to Bollywood; Burning Monuments to the Dead in the Nevada Desert; Pertti Kurikka's Nameday - Finland's learning disabled punks
Uganda's Tarantino: Isaac Nabwana and his business partner, Alan Hofmanis make hit low-budget action films.
The Cinderella story has been read by generations of children around the world. As a new film version is released, we take a journey through China, Central Asia and the Middle East to hear different takes on this much loved fairy tale.
Finland has announced that its entry for the Europe wide Eurovision song contest will be performed by an unusual punk band called Pertti Kurikka's Nameday. They are very different from most bands in one respect: all four members have learning disabilities and some of them live in sheltered housing.
American artist David Best designs huge and ornately carved temples which serve as memorials to the dead at The Burning Man Festival in the Nevada desert. They are then burnt to help relatives with the grieving process.
Kurdish writer and poet Kawa Nemir is waging a battle to defend his language and culture.
British woman Amy Jackson is not Asian and yet she has become one of the hottest stars in Bollywood. She tells Matthew Bannister about her extraordinary career.
Picture: Members of Pertti Kurikka's Nameday; One of David Best's temples burns; Amy Jackson
Amy Jackson picture credit: Anthony Harvey/ Getty Images