What is Islam?
Young Muslim girl Sara, aged 11, gives a brief guide to her religion of Islam by describing the 5 Pillars of Islam. She emphasises the ways in which Islam is not just about doing duties, but also about your inner life: ‘It’s important that you really believe what you say.’ She describes how, aged 11, she is getting ready to complete the 5 Pillars properly when she is a bit older. Sometimes she does the early morning prayer. Giving money to those less fortunate is important to her as a way of being generous. Ramadan, the month of fasting, is a chance to be a bit more spiritual than usual. Pilgrimage to Makkah is an ambition for her in the future. Sara explains how calling these ritual duties ‘Pillars’ works as a metaphor for her: they help her to be a good, strong Muslim. They make her stronger in her faith.
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