The Scott Mills Weekly Episodes Episode guide
Danny Howard Innuendo Bingo 24 Sep 15
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Danny Howard Innuendo Bingo
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Danny Howard Innuendo Bingo
Stand by everyone, it's a Danny Howard day on Innuendo Bingo! This is going to be a a...
Daniel Bedingfield is back and plenty of horsing around!
Daniel Bedingfield, equine entertainment and the Antiques Roadshow game. A normal week...
Dan From Bastille And Dressing In The Dark 12 Aug 15
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Daisy May Cooper In For Lady Gaga
Kerry's mum, AKA Daisy May Cooper replaces Gaga in the Rain On Me track and it's amazing!
Dadi Issues
Scott has some Dadi issues with Eurovision contestant.
Daddy’s Back!
Chris is back and it turns out he’s only been on the beers with the future king!
Da Boooys Of Da N Wa Pee Dee Choir 23 Dec 15
All of Scott, without the music.
Cuter In Winter?
Are you cuter in winter or a hairy mess? and Ask Me Anything reveals a very lucky man.
Cusah Juswahna Luh Gooey’d Fuhya. 25 Sep 15
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Curveball Ex Sightings 12 Dec 16
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Curtis Pritchard V Superfan Steve
Love Islands Curtis Pritchard gets the Superfan Steve treatment.
Cuffing Queen: A Diary Instalment
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
CSI: Chris Stark Investigation
Chris Stark's crime scene, Granny Tinder and mind the gap, it's Bambaleo Wednesday.
Crying in Card Shops – 13 Dec 17
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Croeso I Abertawe - 25 May 18
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Cringe Ahoy!
He’s back! Superfan Steve goes up against Supercoach Joe Wicks.
Creepy Crawlies in the Bush
An Aussie special in Where Do You Think They Were with a tale of love in the Outback.
Creepy Clive Is Watching
Jackie the pet psychic chats to a troublesome cat.
Craig David In The Mix
Craig spins some classics from his home studio and Chris gets a case of hammock envy.
Coventry, Coventry, Coventry!
All the fun of an amazing weekend including Tom Grennan riding Scott and Chris onto stage.
Couscous Omlette Anyone?
Weird food dishes you have made at Uni.
Costa Del Solihull - 25 Jun 18
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
ContactYAAAAS 16 Feb 16
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Conor Maynard Innuendo Bingo 14 Jul 15
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Confrontation & Petty Revenge - 05 Apr 18
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Confessions of a Letting Agent – 07 Feb 18
All of Scott’s show, without the music!
Confessions From The Office Party
Scott & Chris join the help team at Cardiff Council’s virtual Christmas party.
Conceived On A Bridge: A Bridge Baby’s Tale
All of Scott’s show, without the music!