The Scott Mills Weekly Episodes Available now

Scott Mills Gold: The Rumour Mills
Welcome to Scott Mills Gold, each Friday bringing you classic Mills from the archives.

Don't Mention The Award
The team's won an award, but don't want it mentioned, and Chris has had the jab

Granny Tinder's back! But in a rush
Lynette has to cut short rating boys for her granddaughter because of a hearing test

By My Troth it's a Podcast
The boys go full Henry VIII trying to guess listeners medieval jobs

The Boys Are Back!
Are Medieval Jobs still on? Can James Newman score more on the quiz than in Eurovision?

To hug or not to hug?
The boys debate if they actually would hug again when they can, plus is Rasputin on?

Don't forget 'Stay Away from them Bad Boys'
Granny Tinder loves a sailor, plus Scott's Hollyoaks Cameo revisited

And it was all Yellow... Rain
Turns out people do throw cups of wee at Coldplay gigs plus Real or No Real in the Quiz

Dadi Issues
Scott has some Dadi issues with Eurovision contestant.

Turns out Rasputin is Extra Long
Scott justifies his free degree, Lorna's got a crush on the internet man and we go Ra Ra