The Scott Mills Weekly Episodes Available now

Don't Look It Up!
Scott & Chris aim to relieve the nation from boredom with a new super quiz.

Free Gigs For All
Musicians around the country are playing loud and proud to help cheer the nation.

Triple Bangers and a Big Bamboleo
Scott & Chris decide to have it large with three Bangers and a massive Bamboleo Gap.

The Bigger Awkward Question
Following listener David’s proposal to his girlfriend we also find another call.

Will You.....
A listener has a BIG question to ask his girlfriend so gets Scott &Chris to help him out.

What’s Grennan Really Like?
Tom Grennan casts a critical ear over his Live Lounge performance.

The Eilish Acid Remix
Superstar DJ, Bontan has delivered his banging version of No Time To Die – Let’s Go!

Always Gonna Be Another Staircase!
Pop legend Becky Hill is here to sing encouragement to our Sport Relief hero Phil.

A Thank You For Saying A Thank You For Saying A Thank You
Hannah, who sent us an amazing letter last week, is surprised by the amazing response.

MoreTiny Beans and Yorkshire Puds
Chris ups the stakes by requesting more of your pet names, but this time for your ex!