Radio 1鈥檚 All Day Breakfast with Greg James Episodes Available now

Torquay isn't near Turkey... but Turkey is (half) in Asia
The Fact Controller is here, plus Game of Phones is back (hopefully) with Gordon Ramsay!

Unpopular Opinion with Zara Larsson
Zara Larsson comes in to sing the theme tune for Unpopular Opinion.

Jennifer Lawrence, Ryan Gosling, Honey G... Have All Seen Your Face!
A listener discovers they have a rather famous face at Radio 1.

It's Not A Train Set!!
The People vs Little Mix sees Leigh-Anne gargling the Strictly Come Dancing theme.

Jack's No Cheetah!
Little Mix's Perrie takes on listener Jack in an animal spelling game.

Jade and Jayd
Little Mix's Jade does a Macklemore rap and comedian Jayd Adam is on the Radio 1 phones

The People Versus Little Mix: Ellie v Jesy
Jesy from Little Mix tests her memory skills against listener Ellie.

Unfinished Business: The Great Dinosaur Debate
Nat doesn't believe that dinosaurs are real... George (aged 5) tries to change her mind.

Gecko Calling!
A Gecko calls some listeners

Any Aliens Out Tonight?
Greg imagines Bradley Walsh going full-on quiz mode during last night鈥檚 episode of Dr Who