6 Minute English Episodes Episode guide
Hi, meet my online persona!
Are we different online than we are in real life?
Why do people decide to be alone for long periods of time?
Heritage sites
Neil and Alice discuss the threat to the world's natural and cultural heritage sites
Hello, hello
The history of the humble 'hello'
Heatwaves - can we adapt?
Heatwaves - can we adapt? 6 Minute English
Head injury in sport
Contact sports can be dangerous. The truth about the effects on players is coming out.
Having acne
What is acne and how can it affect someone's confidence?
Having a row or asking for directions?
We talk about interactions that can be misunderstood by people of different backgrounds
Have you walked off your pizza?
Is food labelling clear enough to help us make healthy choices?
We discuss a new word to describe when you feel angry because you're hungry
Hacking help for US elections
Rob and Sam discuss plans in the US to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks on election day.
Gun control without guns
Gun control with no guns? How is that possible? Join Dan and Neil to find out
Grime: Music from architecture
We talk about the music of Wiley and Stormy, and teach you related vocabulary.
Grandma therapy in Zimbabwe
Grandmothers are being trained to provide therapy to people in their community.
Goldfish, brains and phones
Do people now have shorter attention spans than goldfish?
Going through the menopause
Why don't people talk more about this aspect of women's lives?
Global warming
What might the world look like if temperatures keep rising?
Giving away your fortune
How generous are you?
Get on with it!
Why do we procrastinate?
Why are so many people drawn to gardening?
Why are so many people drawn to gardening?
For the love of foreign languages
Is learning languages good for head, heart and soul?
Football songs
Neil and Dan discuss ways to liven up the atmosphere at football matches
Many in the UK describe themselves as 'foodies', but do they really know about food?
Food superstitions
We talk about food superstitions and teach you vocabulary along the way.
Food shortages
Listen to an expert on the global food system and learn some vocabulary.
Food made in space
Find out how growing plants in space might help develop better crops.
Food for new mums
What do mothers eat after giving birth? Does it depend on which country you are from?
Food banks
Food banks provide food to people in the UK who can't afford to buy their own
Food and mood
We look at the link between what you eat and how you feel.