Make Chinese pedestrians safer by turning brake pedals into car horns
Rather than yield to pedestrians, Chinese drivers make liberal use of car horns and expect people to give way. Huan Hsu says we should actually make the brake pedal the car horn.
Writer Huan Hsu contends that the biggest health risk in China today is probably crossing the street because Chinese drivers tend to be reckless: despite having a fraction of the automobiles as America, China suffers many times the number of the traffic fatalities. Rather than yield to pedestrians or cyclists, the Chinese simply make liberal use of their horns and expect people to give way, leading to a joke that the car horn is the Chinese brake pedal. So Huan proposes that we actually make the brake pedal the car horn. Now, drivers can't honk unless they slow down, or must slow down to honk, which solves both problems.
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