Insight Episodes Available now

Philippines - Capital Punishment in Manila
Report on Manila's first execution since capital punishment was re-introduced in 1994

The Fallout From Afghanistan
How the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan created an armed cadre of 20,000 foreign radicals

US Presidential Candidates
Campaign news and expert analysis from the 2000 US presidential election

Japanese Nationalism
How the rise of nationalism and denial of the Nanking massacre is causing concern

Six Billion Inhabitants
With an aging population and falling birthrate, will Europe admit it needs immigration?

Australian Identity
The history of immigration in Australia, and its changing relationship with Britain

Chinese Architecture
Traditional Chinese architecture competes with Beijing's need to develop

US Aid to Africa
Is America showing a greater commitment to Africa?

Author Norman G Finkelstein argues the Holocaust has been exploited for political gain

Indonesian Economy
The Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998 hit Indonesia hard. How is the country doing now?