A History of Political Thought Episodes Available now

Green Political Thought
A look at environmental political ideas, including decentralisation and anti-consumerism

A look at the 'quintessentially modern' phenonemon of Nationalism

Karl Marx
A look at the life and theories of the father of communism

A look at Liberalism and the works of Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill

John Locke
Profile of 17th century philosopher John Locke and his theories on the rights to property

Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes, who believed that life without society is "nasty, brutish, and short."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and his belief that knowledge and virtue do not go together

A profile of the Italian Renaissance politician and philosopher

Early Muslim Political Thinkers
A look at the relationship between politics and faith in the foundation of Islam

Cicero and Augustine
A look at the teachings and philosophies of Romans Cicero and Augustine